Interreg projects FORESDA and DanuBioValNet presented at the conference on EU funds. Great response from regional companies and institutions
In Sarajevo, on the 6th of October, gathered more than 80 stakeholders from the forestry and woodworking sector with the aim of exchanging opinions and obtaining the latest information on EU funds and sectoral lobbying. The conference was organized by the Croatian Wood Cluster and the University of Bihac, with the support of the Chamber
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High-level event in Brussels: Specialized conference on bio-based industries
Representatives of the bio‐based industries (wood and food processing industry, forestry and agriculture) from the SEE region will travel on Tuesday, July 11th in Brussels, the headquarters of the European administration. Two‐day programme will include conferences and expert meetings with the European Commission representatives and representatives in whose interest is the bio‐based sector. The program
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ANNOUNCEMENT: 14th Wood-Technology Conference to be held in Opatija (Croatia)! Bioeconomy and Forest-based Industries in the Focus of the Programme
Wood-Technology Conference is the central annual gathering of forest-based industries in Croatia and South-East European region. The Conference will take place on the 5th and 6th of June and for over 14 years it has been held in the Kvarner resort City of Opatija (Croatia) in Grand Hotel 4 opatijska cvijeta. Traditionally, more than 250
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Join the conference in Prague! Strengthening bio-based industries and clusters through the DanuBioValNet project
On Thursday, March 30, in Praque will be held the first kick-off conference of the international project DanuBioValNet. The project is co-financed from the EU funds (ERDF, IPA) and its objective is cross-clustering partnership for boosting eco-innovation by developing a joint bio-based value-added network for the Danube Region. Project activities began in early January and
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Invitation to the Presentation of the EU Project in Ljubljana. Get Involved with FORESDA by Encouraging Innovation and Competitiveness!

Earlier this year started the activities within the international project FORESDA, which aims to transform the traditional forest-based areas into innovative, modern areas and to improve or reconfigure the existing value chains. The project will be implemented in the Danube area, that is 9 partner countries – Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Romania,
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Europe is coming to Kupres on 9 and 10 February!
The 2nd KUPRES 2017 Conference will be held on 9-10 February and will bring together more than 250 leading European experts in the field of forestry and wood processing. Croatian Wood Cluster, as a co-organizer of the conference, used his lobbying position in Brussels, in order to bring the greatest authorities in the field of
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Wood Cluster and Herzegbosnian Forests Seeking for European Projects in Austria and Slovenia
European path of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be easily achievable with the realization of European projects, reports Kupres based public company for forest management of Herzeg-Bosnian County. Following the successful cooperation with the Croatian Wood Cluster, a joint study visit to Austria is undertaken, during which numerous meetings are pointed and quality project ideas exchange is expected, with Department of Forestry of the Styrian Chamber of Agriculture, the Austrian State Forests, Forestry Association, Styrian Holzcluster and one of the largest Austrian forest owners and wood processors, Mayr Melnhof.
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Press Conference: “Evaluation of Croatian forests in the EU climate policy and the new approach of cascading use of wood”
Croatian MEP Marijana Petir, Marijan Kavran, director of the Croatian Wood Cluster and professor Ivica Tikvić, Professor at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb were speakers at the press conference held yesterday on September 19 at the Westin Hotel in Zagreb. Main topics were the model of cascading use of wood adopted in July by the European Commission, the need for greater evaluation of Croatian forests in the latest EU climate policy package and the occurrence of bark beetles that endangers almost 30% of the forests in Gorski Kotar.
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Press Conference: Forests and Climate Change, Cascading Use of Wood and Bark Beetle Occurrence
The press conference in the presence of Marijana Petir, MEP, Marijan Kavran, director of the Croatian Wood Cluster and Ivica Tikvić, professor at the Faculty of Forestry will be held on Monday, September 19th, at 11 am in the Westin Hotel. In the introduction Croatian MEP Marijana Petir will present her standpoints regarding better evaluation of the forests in Croatia in relation to European policies to mitigate climate changes.
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Croatian Wood Cluster Participated at the Conference in Serbia Related to Wood Industry and Forestry
Representatives of the Croatian Wood Cluster participated at the first conference “The Wood Industry and Forestry of Serbia”, which was held on 7th and 8th April 2016 in Vrnjacka Banja, organized by the Faculty of Forestry University of Belgrade.
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