The exhibition of industrial and designer Croatian furniture stays open until Sunday – a week longer than expected. More than 4.000 people came to the Museum of Arts and Crafts to see the exhibition “Between Wishes and Reality – The Furniture Industry and Design in Croatia 1945 – 1990”. It outlines the production of some

Despite of decline in Croatian industrial production of -5,6% in June this year compared to a year before, the production of furniture (C 31) continues to grow since February (+9,6%). The recorded growth in April was +5,3% and +7,4% in May. Record indicators of +10,6 growth in industrial production of furniture were accomplished in June when the production grew +2,6% in comparison to May, while cumulatively in the first six months this industrial sector grew +5%.

On the 26th of September 2019, we look forward to meet you in Slavonski Brod (Croatia). More than 300 participants, representatives of the sawmill industry and forestry, leading European sawmill technology suppliers, as well as relevant institutions, local government units, trade unions and the media will come together to discuss common challenges and build sustainable

Na konferenciji u Dubrovniku sudjeluje oko 1000 sudionika. Premijer Andrej Plenković se osvrnuo na nastavak procesa približavanja Kine i zemalja središnje i istočne Europe. Dubrovnik je svojom poviješću predvodio trgovačke trendove kroz povijest, a kineski premijer se nada da će pregovori uroditi razvojem poslovanja. Istaknuo je da se vođe 16 zemalja zalažu za nastavak slobodne trgovine. U vrijeme globalne krize gospodarstvo je raslo 21 puta što nije bilo lako. Danas je u funkciji web stranica koja će pomoći malim i srednjim poduzećima. Svaki dan osniva se 5000 poduzeća i oni mogu biti pokretač inovacija.

Biomass has the potential to be the main energy source in decarbonization of the entire energy supply system, is one of the key messages sent from the 9th International Wood-Energy Conference on Biomass and Renewable Energy Sources held in Zagreb, on Monday Feb 25th. Croatia is moving towards the energy transition and big expectations are

Croatian biomass sector stakeholders are still unsatisfied with the position of biomass in the energy policies of the Republic of Croatia, although a major step forward in the energy transition has been achieved in the last decade. More than 1,300 eligible producers have been using electricity production incentives in the year 2017 in the amount

The 4th edition of the Adriatic Wood Days will be held in Dubrovnik at the beginning of December (3-4.12.2018). During two days, this central sectoral FBI event in the Mediterranean will host a numerous sectoral experts, important policy makers and other relevant stakeholders from business, academia, media, etc., which will, on the joint platforom of 4

Considering the promotion and better understanding of renewable energy sources and the role of bioenergy, European lobbying association Bioenergy Europe started a promotional campaign last year in 20 European countries, with a goal of establishing a tradition of celebrating the European Bioenergy Day. As a full member of Bioenergy Europe, Croatian Biomass Association CROBIOM joined

The primary processing sector continues its successful tradition of central sectoral event in Southeast Europe. The ninth time in Slavonski Brod representatives of the sawmill industry, forestry, leading technology suppliers and other stakeholders will gather at the Sawmill Congress, which will be held on Wednesday, September 26, 2018. Day earlier, September 25, a study visit

Visit to the GG Slovenj Gradec

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Croatian Forests Ltd. (Hrvatske šume d.o.o.) and the Croatian Wood Cluster visited GG Slovenj gradec, one of the most successful Slovenian companies, which closes the entire production chain from forestry to wooden buildings and energy from wood. Numerous delegation from the Croatian Forests, consisting of directors of the sectors and technical managers, led by Mr